Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Easy Ways To Help The Planet And The Business Bottom Line

David Bach in the book "Go Green, Live Rich: 50 Simple Ways to Save the Earth (and get rich trying)",  shows that anyone can make simple changes to earth-friendly that will put more money in their pockets and return to their bottom line business, taking care of the planet.

money dollars in the business bottom line
Money in the bottom line business
Here are some easy tips to put your dollars back in business:

• Think before you print - American offices send 4 million tons of paper for landfill each year. You can save 6 cents for each sheet paper to avoid printing. The average American office worker uses about 10,000 sheets of paper per year - that Add up to $ 6,000 per employee, per year!

See also: Money saving tips for green family

Green computer -Shutting down computers  at night, making power
Adjusting efficiently, learning when it is better to buy a new computer, compared to only raising the level of the old one are all easy ways to save money and energy in the office. GE has saved $ 6.5 million in electricity costs per year simply by changing its computers settings as written in the article posted on

Be a traveler green business - more than 18% of flights to work
purposes. Using today's technology such as video conferencing, you can save the cost of air travel, hotels, and help prevent predicted aircraft emissions 65% the projected increase over the next 18 years.

See also: Eco-friendly traveling tips

Organize temperature- reduce energy costs room by maintaining heating and cooling on a regular basis to ensure the practical function and installing programmable systems thermostat. Use shades to let the light in during the winter and to keep the light through in the summer, close the windows when you run the air conditioner and open the windows and the use of fans during times of moderate air circulation without substantial use of energy (this air quality indoor also improved !). Typically, 45% of the electricity bill goes to heating and cooling.

Keep the light and brightness replace light bulbs office with compact fluorescent bulbs (LEDs), which are four times more efficient in energy use and the post ten times longer than regular lamps. The timing or install motion detectors in the rooms and hallways and rooms with low storage traffic. SAVE $ 45 in energy costs and 67 pounds of CO2 emissions over the lifetime of each bulb!

• Drag higher conductivity -Lap, cell phone, batteries and charger still consume electricity when still attached to the outlet- even after charging completed. Pull the plugs when it connected to the power strips shipping when you can. Electronics devices still use several watts of power in standby mode, and then disconnect the computer and audiovisual devices the equipment is not in use. Americans spend about $ 4 billion a year on electricity for things that you do not use!

Save your three Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) - It seems like a no-brainer,
but many of the staff are more than happy to grab a new pen, and a bottle of whiteout or a box of paperclips when their proverbial "missing." It is not a "them" a dime a dozen. Them too I do not mind running off 20 copies of the proposal, and then 20 more when printing

Wrong the first time. Staff reminder that somehow, that money is "their" dime, and that the money saved from practicing the three Rs can use for something fun- like a picnic employee.
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