Tuesday, May 17, 2016

A Better Life Through Green Living at Home

The main reason people often decide to “Go Green” and embark on green living is to help the environment.  However, did you know that Going Green can benefit your life as well?
Whether you build your house as a “green home” from scratch or if you make adjustments to your current home to make it green, there is no denying that a green home not only makes you happier and healthier, but it has its monetary rewards as well. Here are a few ways that living by green standards can vastly improve the quality of your life.

green living, green house, green homes
Image illustration : green living with recycling 

Energy Costs
Cutting off your lights when you are not in a room or shutting off the water while brushing your teeth seem like small measures.  However, when you consider that a family of four can save as much as $900 a year by following these steps, it becomes necessary.
The biggest trend in renewable energy is solar power.  With solar power panels for lighting and solar powered heaters for your water, there are countless ways to take advantage of solar power.  While solar equipment can get a bit expensive, the price panels in comparison to the amount of money you will save on utility bills in the long run. Additionally, the inclusion of solar panels for heating purposes can save you lots of money over the long term.

Buying Green Products
By purchasing green products and supporting the business that supports the green lifestyle,  you help to keep them in business.  Likewise, when you spend your money on green businesses, you are not only supporting them, but you are sending a message to other non-green companies that they need to clean up their act.

You may be surprised at all of the green options that are out there.  From the way your roof is constructed with the material you use for your floors, there is always an eco-friendly choice.  When looking for building materials, always try to shop at retailers that support the green lifestyle or carry an ample supply of environmentally friendly products.

As you build, you may also want to look into using certain reusable materials such as brick, wood, and stone.   Great places to find these materials are from green-oriented construction companies or even people that have recently remodeled their house. Not only are these materials environmentally conservative but when you use them, you also increasing the chances that you will find something with excellent value that compliments your house’s design.  When you use recyclable materials for your home, you save money, create a unique atmosphere for your home and help out the environment.

Keep Tabs on Your Ecological Footprint
This one comes down to common sense.  Is your house too big for you?  Is it an energy efficient home?  Is your car too extravagant for the lifestyle you are living?  By living a lifestyle within your means, even something as simple as driving a smaller and more environmentally friendly car, you cut down on pollution to the Earth and save money in the process.

Recycling is about much more than just turning in your bottles and cardboard.  The real money to be found in recyclable materials comes in the form of ink cartridges, books, TVs and even building supplies from remodeled houses.  So before making that trip to the dump, try to remember that one man’s junk is another man’s treasure.  By recycling more nontraditional items, not only are you putting money in your pocket, but you are also cutting down on the local landfill’s intake.
During the building of a house, many materials go to waste.  Much of that material can be recycled or used by other builders.  Be sure to return all unused materials to the supplier and offer all discarded supplies like windows, doors and gutters to other builders or suppliers.

see also: Energy recycling concept in green agriculture

How to Make Money by Recycling?
Can you earn money by recycling? Everyone knows what recycling is, and the chances are good that most people have recycled in some form another in the past.  Also, if you are not familiar with recycling, the three arrows in the recycling symbol sum it up: collection, remanufacture, resale.  As Green Living becomes a more prominent lifestyle, recycling is becoming more than just a way to eliminate waste and help the environment. It is also a way to make some extra money!

The Business of Recycling
Just to give you an idea of how much money is involved in the recycling effort around the globe, consider how much the recycling industry makes each year.  On a global scale, the recycling industry takes in $160 billion annually.  Where does all of that money come from and how is it used?  More importantly. How can You make money from it?

Earn money with Recycling
Traditional ways are often the best.  Just collect all of your cans, bottles, newspapers and other recyclable items in a box or, if you want to be ambitious, in several boxes or bins in your garage.  If you have neighbors that don’t recycle, you may want to ask them for their recyclable materials as well.

You will need to find a local recycling center or salvage yard that pays for the materials.  The amount you will get for a few cans or newspapers isn’t much, but when you arrive with several bins and boxes, you may be surprised at the profits.  You may even want to place ads in newspapers stating that you will come by and pick up recyclables from those that want to get rid of them.

It goes way beyond collecting and sorting aluminum cans.  There are numerous ways to earn money while recycling.  Clothes and furniture can be used to recycle even though we may not think of it that way.  By taking old clothes to consignment shops or flea markets for resale, you are essentially recycling.  You can do this same thing with CDs, books, and antiques.
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